Health Statement
The staff and management at 3Tribes make every effort to ensure that you have the best fitness experience you can at our studios. We hope that coming to our studio brings all its members great joy and is an introduction to a healthier happier version of you.
However, in relation to health complications, please be aware that your health is ultimately your responsibility. With this in mind, we have taken time to think and set out what is reasonably expected of us, the staff at Yogacentric Limited, and you the clients.
Our classes use may include flashing lights and loud music, If you are subject to any form of seizures, epilepsy or visual photosensitivity, are using a pacemaker, suffering cardiac arrythmia or other heart disorders, currently taking stimulants or psychotropic medications, please see a Licensed Medical Practitioner for approval to use the facilities before attending classes with us.
What is expected of us:
- We will respect your decision whether to exercise and use the facilities. However, we kindly request that you choose to stop using the facilities if you feel that doing so is putting your health at risk.
- We will make every effort to keep the equipment and facilities in safe and clean working order.
- We will make every effort to ensure that are staff are fully qualified as set out by the Register of Exercise Professionals.
- We will ensure that at all times, a staff member is present that is first aid trained.
- If for any reason, you are training while disabled or injured, we will make every effort to advise adjustments that may help prevent further injury while undertaking class.
What is expected of you:
- If you are aware of any medical condition that may cause injury while at the studio, please get medical advice from the relevant medical body prior to commencing exercise.
- Please do not carry out any activities that you have been warned may harm yourself.
- Please let us know immediately if you feel faint, dizzy or sick.
- If you have a disability, please follow any advice or instruction that allows you to exercise safely.
- If you are a diabetic or may show symptoms, please get advice from a registered medical practitioner before attending any classes.
This statement is for guidance only and does not constitute a legally binding agreement between you and us. You should always exercise within your own limits and you are ultimately responsible for your own health.